Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Christmas Morning!

We had a great Christmas morning! I couldn't ask for a better one! We always have so much fun together and surprising each other! I can't wait until next year especially since we'll have someone else with us as well! We went to my families for breakfast and it was so yummy! Then we went and saw Pat's side of the family and got to give the little boys are presents along with Tay Bug! I love to see there reactions! Then we went back to my families house and let all of them open there presents wich was way fun since we got to tell them are good news as well, I did have a picture of my dad holding are gift up to him but I don't have it saved to m computer at work anymore! Anyways we had lots of fun and couldn't ask for better families!

Christmas Eve 2009!

We spent Christmas Eve up in Enterprise, it was soooo much fun! I don't think I could hvae asked for a better Christmas! We got everything we wanted and needed and more! And we especially had a good time with the families! I'm so glad the little boys got to come down and spend this special time with us! I can't wait to see them again! We also had a big announcement for are families! We're Pregnant! WOo HoO! We're very excited to welcome this little one into our family! This has been the highlight of our christmas! We're due sometime the end of July or beginning of August! We'll fine out for sure next month along with if it's a boy or girl! W're super excited about that since Pat's side of the family has all nephews and one niece and he has all brothers, and my side has all nieces and one nephew and I have all sisters! So we will be thrilled with whatever we get! We've been discussing names like crazy and have a few names in mind, i'll post on that later on though! Hope all is well with everyone and I hope everyones 2010 is going as well as are's!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bailey's Thanksgiving

We had Thanksgiving with my family this year, and it was fun if not a little chaotic, which is nothing new in are family! Everyone works different shift at the purgatory, dispatch and Harmons so everyone was in and out all day but it was still fun and relaxing with lots of yummy food again! I think the kids have so much fun together they don't even realize anyones missing! My mom did an awsome job with organizing everything and making sure veryone had an assighnment! Andrea brought Texas Roadhouse rolls with honey butter, and we have a rolled turkey wich was actually pretty good! We are very non traditional famil which makes it fun! I made the red cabbage, brooke made the sweet potatoe casserole, danielle was in charge of the dixie salad and I can't remember what Erin was in charge of "sorry air" But it all turned out fantastic! I'm so thankful for thanksgiving and for all the wonderful time I got to spend with my wonderful family!!!

Thanksgiving with the Whitlocks!

We did Thanksgiving a little early up in Enterprise since som of us weren't going to be there on Thanksgiving Day! It was so much fun and so so so Yummy! If any of you know my Mother-in-Law you know what a great cook she is! It turned out to be so much fun and great to be able to spend time with the family! I only took these two pictures and usually i'm a little more on top of things and take 20 pictures each event but I must have been to interested in the food! It was really fun to be able to go up there and do it. It's always funner at Grandmas house I learned while growing up so that's probably why we have such a fun time when we do Holidays and such up there!

Bailee's Birthday!

So she's ALREADY 6! Is it bad to wish time would stop for awhile so you can relax and enjoy moments a little more..? I just feel like time is flying by WAY to fast and my nieces and nephews are going to be grown up way to soon! I can only imagine with my own children how fast it's going to go and i'm dreading it! I can't wait to be a Mother and I just hope I never take these moments for granted! Enjoy them why there young! Well her birthday was full of fun and I think she liked everything she got! It was so much fun to spend her birthday with her! Thanks for having us over guys!

Gingerbread Houses 2009!

So for Christmas every year we all get together and make gingerbread houses and my wonderful mother made homemade gingerbread for it! It worked out wonderfully! It's so fun to get together and do things like this with my family! I love watching the kids, ask Pat, he can barely get me to help him because i'm so distracted by everyone else! BUT he does a fabulous job without me! This was Andrea's boyfriends first time making a gingerbread house and there's turned out awsome! It's the really really colorful one! Erin's, Bailee's and Brecken's is the one missing half there roof but it still looks amazing! And mine and Pats is the cute Cottagey one! I didn't get a picture of Brooke and the girls or Lona and B's but there's rocked as well! Anyway we enjoy doing these kind of things and hopefully we can carry it on to many many more years!

Caramelled Apples!

I've finally decided to catch up a little bit on my blogging. We decided to make some caramelled apples before thanksgiving for family night! It turned out so fun and so yummy! We had a blast! If you can't tell, i'm sure all the kids left with tummy aches and all! We loved it and can't wait to be able to do it next year! I think we might have to take it up as a tradition!