Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Look At Are Garden Grow!

So this has been our #1 project since we've moved into out house, we really wanted a nice backyard that we could enjoy, so we've been growing grass and we also started a garden! The backyard started out as dirt and weeds, so I think we've definitly mad progress since then , thank to my awsome husband who really stays up on it! Are garden is doing fantastic too! Carrots, Tomatoes, Peas, Watermelon, Strawberries, Cherry Tomatoes, Squash, Corn, Bell Peppers, exc....! Everything has come up so far now and looking really good we're just waiting untill we can pick them and eat there deliciousness! Yay!

What We've Been Up To!

3D Movies, Surprise birthday parties, Silly Dogs, Date nights, Crazy growing flowers, Playing fetch with Wrex, Trying to get a good picture of Lady, Mother's Day, Grandpa and Bette came over, Pretty Nan and Andi, Time with my Hunny Buns, Brecky's 4th B-Day and alot lot more...!

Easter 2010!

My darling sister's, Mom, Nephew. Nieces and Hunny Bunny got together on Easter Saturday so we could make it an all day get together! It was way fun! My Mom ordered these way cute bug kits for the kids, so hid the bugs and they had to find them all with there little kits! It turned out to be a hit! Amd then we stuffed easter eggs with lots and lots of treats and they got to find those as well! It was so much fun! We had a luncheon as well, with just about everything imagineable egg salad, Brooke's yummy BBQ chicken, lots and lots of fruit, drinks, doubled eggs, and easter cookies! In case your wondering where my Dad is located, he thought he needed a motorcycle ride this weekends so the loving daughters and wife that he has let him go..tee hee! Sunday we got together with my awsome in-laws and did a big BBQ lunch, easter eggs and they even surprised me with birthday cake and presents! Who could ask for a better day? Well it was also mine and Pats 2nd year anniversary and he surprised me with some flowers and a very funny card! It was great! We do have pictures with them as well but they're at home on the video camera.

Look At Us Grow!

Ok, I always post the pictures backwards, sorry! These pictures start from 20 weeks up to 26 weeks! I know there's a huge change from the first picture compared to the last! My last doctors appointment I gained 10 lbs in one month! Anyway we're getting super excited for Denny G. to get here! I'm dreading June and July though! Pat and I took are pups for a walk last Sunday and I thought I was going to die I was so hot and it was like 80 degrees outside! So I know it might be a hard summer but well worth it! Just thought I should update on our whereabouts!