Thursday, August 18, 2011

Swimming Time!

I think 3 of our favorite things to do right now is: 1-Swim 2-Swing 3-Slide! Notice they all start with S's! haha! He loves to go swimming, we would spend our whole summer in our swimming suits if we could! He loves to swing either in his baby swing at home from the tree or at the school in my lap! and he LOVES to go down the slides in our laps too! The bigger the slide the funner it is! We have so much fun, it is sweltering hot outside but we still know how to have some fun! We need to get a few more picture of him sliding down the slides and swinging. We've had such a good summer so far and it will just hopefully get better! Can't believe how fast it had gone by. We're already looking forward to next year!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

yeah bobby loves swimming too! still not big on the other ones but hopefully he will be soon- just too little still- although he is getting bigger by the second! I love those swim pics!