Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gingerbread Houses 2009!

So for Christmas every year we all get together and make gingerbread houses and my wonderful mother made homemade gingerbread for it! It worked out wonderfully! It's so fun to get together and do things like this with my family! I love watching the kids, ask Pat, he can barely get me to help him because i'm so distracted by everyone else! BUT he does a fabulous job without me! This was Andrea's boyfriends first time making a gingerbread house and there's turned out awsome! It's the really really colorful one! Erin's, Bailee's and Brecken's is the one missing half there roof but it still looks amazing! And mine and Pats is the cute Cottagey one! I didn't get a picture of Brooke and the girls or Lona and B's but there's rocked as well! Anyway we enjoy doing these kind of things and hopefully we can carry it on to many many more years!

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